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 AR15/M16 Barrel Heat Shroud with Integral Bipod

An M40 idea. This is based on the really nice integral bipods on FAL rifles. They fold up flush into the guard.

Aluminum Extrusion (Half) – This design allows one to use two identical halves to form the sides of a barrel shroud. They are mounted either on a barrel free-floating tube which screws onto the rifle, or on tube halves which can be attached to the rifle via conventional M16 method (two halves fit into recess at front of rifle, and are held by a spring loaded locking ring at the rear).


Aluminum Extrusion - Two halves Together form outer shell of shroud. These can be milled or drilled for ventilation.




Cross Section with 3 mounted Picatinny Rails and (cross section) Bipod Legs. It isn’t shown here, but you can see where one can mount picatinny rails on a 45 degree angle on either side, and also at the bottom.





Side view with Rails and Bipod Legs

Note: Animation below shows Bipod  mechanism.