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-NEW- Test your knowledge of Wilderness Survival!

Be warned... most of these are simple, common sense questions, but some may require you to think!


1. Which list of survival needs seems to be prioritized in the correct order?
a) Locate Water, build shelter, address injuries, build fire, locate food.
b) Address injuries, build shelter, find food, find water, build fire.
c) Locate food, locate water, build shelter, build fire, address injuries.
d) Address injuries, build shelter, build fire, locate water, locate food.


2. By the "Rule of 3's", without Shelter and/or fire, you could die in as little as:
a) Three Minutes
b) Three Hours
c) Three Days
d) Three Weeks


3. By the "Rule of 3's", without food, you could die in as little as:
a) Three Minutes
b) Three Hours
c) Three Days
d) Three Weeks


4. By the "Rule of 3's", without addressing Medical Emergencies, you could die in as little as:
a) Three Minutes
b) Three Hours
c) Three Days
d) Three Weeks


5. By the "Rule of 3's", without water, you could die in as little as:
a) Three Minutes
b) Three Hours
c) Three Days
d) Three Weeks


6. A good way to procure water is to:
a) Cut up a bunch of plants, squeeze out the sap and drink it.
b) Make a divining rod from a forked stick, walk around until the stick dips, then dig in that spot.
c) Kill some game and drink the blood.
d) Walk downhill.


7. The best food sources available in the wilderness are:
a) Mushrooms, moss and fungal growth.
b) Small, green leafy plants.
c) Insects, and small furry animals.
d) Grasses and the bark of young trees.


8. The first thing you should do if you want to build a fire is:
a) chop down several trees to provide logs for your fire.
b) make 3 piles of dry material sorted into tinder, twigs and firewood.
c) take out your lighter and test all the materials around you to determine what will burn.
d) Rub two sticks together vigorously for a few minutes to make a red-hot coal, then blow on it until you get a flame.


9. The key to building shelter from the cold is that:
a) it is so small that you can barely fit into it.
b) it is located on the banks of a flowing stream.
c) it is constructed from only dead plant matter so you don't have to kill any trees or plants.
d) it is in a field so that it can be warmed by the sun.


10. The best way to render water safe to drink is:
a) Remove your tee shirt, sock or other cotton material, and use it to filter the water.
b) Leave it out in the sunlight so that the sun's UV rays can kill any microorganisms.
c) Boil it for ten minutes.
d) Add green grass and leaves and allow the plants to naturally kill any microbes.


11. You're hiking, and suddenly realize that you've become lost. Night is fast approaching and the weather is getting cold. Rain is starting to fall. The best thing to do is:
a) Choose a direction, and start jogging in hopes of finding civilization before the storm hits.
b) Stop. Build a big fire, and await rescuers.
c) Start collecting rainwater because you may need it later, and see if you can find some food to warm you up.
d) Start looking for some shelter from the rain, as you dial 911 on your cell phone.


12. The best and most efficient tool in a survival kit for quickly building fire is:
a) A small disposable Bic lighter.
b) A hollow knife handle full of waterproof matches.
c) Flint and steel.
d) A knife with which you can make a bow drill to start your fires.


13. Which of the following is most correct?
a) A little blade can do everything that a big blade can, and is the best survival tool.
b) A big blade can do everything that a little blade can, and is the best survival tool.
c) Blade size doesn't really matter in a wilderness survival situation.
d) A blade is useless in a wilderness survival situation.


14. Upon finding yourself in a dangerous survival situation, the best thing to do is:
a) React immediately, and start doing whatever you think will help to take your mind off the situation.
b) Start a fire to warm you up and signal for help.
c) Remain calm, take inventory of what tools and information you have, and then prioritize your actions to meet your most important needs first.
d) Sit down and then bend over so that your head is between your knees. Keep bending until you can kiss your ass goodbye.


15. The most reliable natural navigation method is to:
a) Use the sun and stars to get your bearings.
b) Determine North by the moss growth on tree trunks.
c) Continue walking towards the moon in order to maintain a constant direction.
d) Follow the tracks of local wildlife because animals have a good sense of direction.


16. Pick the best choice ... A small, but practical survival kit would likely contain:
a) Lots of food, water and matches.
b) A hatchet, a couple of sandwiches and a GameBoy with good batteries.
c) A cell phone, knife, plastic garbage bag, and a Bic lighter.
d) Fish hooks, matches, twine, a swiss army knife, paperclips and a bottle of water.


17. If you are lost and cold, the best means of warming up is:
a) Start hunting. You can wear the fur pelt of an animal for warmth.
b) Build a fire, heat some water and drink it.
c) Build a large shelter. The work will warm you up.
d) Use your lightsaber to open up the belly of your tauntaun. Climb inside there... sure, it smells like shit, but it will keep you alive.


18. When you are lost in the wilderness, a crucial factor is:
a) conserving your energy, and sleeping when you can.
b) finding lots of edible plants and animals.
c) to keep moving so you can eventually find your way out.
d) keep clean and bathe whenever you can.


19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a) Almost all plants (except mushrooms and fungus) are safe to eat.
b) Almost all fur bearing mammals and 6 legged insects are safe to eat.
c) Almost all flowing water is safe to drink.
d) Almost all fish and reptiles are safe to eat.


20. The most important tool you can bring into the wilderness is:
a) A large knife, hatchet or machete.
b) A lighter, matches or other means of building a fire.
c) Quality, layered waterproof clothing.
d) A calm, positive outlook and a brain brimming with practical survival knowledge.




I used a freeware java script to build this quiz. Kudos to "The JavaScript Source" for supplying it!