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M40's Range Pages - Race Guns Gallery

Cowboys and their six-shooters used to be the fastest guns in the West. A new kind of speed shooter has taken their place. IPSC  shooters and their race-guns are now the reigning world champions of speed. Some of their arms look almost stock, while others look like something out of Star Wars. Enjoy!

NOTE: The images on this page were "scavenged" from here and there. Some images have been cropped, chopped or otherwise modified to suit these pages. If anyone owns one or more of these, and would prefer them not to be shown here, please notify me, and I'll be happy to remove one or all. These pages are here to help promote fun (and safe) shooting sports.


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HPIM0210 HPIM0262 IMG000023 IMG000113 IPSCweb05_800w MTok Master_Black_CMore_500_06 Open_Steel_Minor9-A_900px
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